17 June 2011

Opening Day Report

The cool weather has the rivers dropping and clearing up .. the Crowsnest had a few feet of clarity yesterday .. Our young guide John Bransfield has returned from New Zealand .. After closing the flyshop we went for a few hours of fishing on the Crows Nest River .. both with out a camera , so no picture of my first fish of the new season which was a beautiful 21 - 22 inch brown fat and an easy 4lbs .. caught on a salmonfly dry fly pattern off the shelf at our shop ..although the water temps are cold 40 - 50*F the sun is bound to shine and bring out some stones and salmon flies ..with this cool weather all I have seen is midges ,caddis and PMD,s this week ...fish were caught in the Oldman and Castle river drainages yesterday according to our scouts ..seek and ye shall find , brother.. Gotta go Al B.

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